Monthly archives: May 2015

The sea | the sea | the open sea |The blue, the fresh, the ever free |-”The Sea,” Bryan W. Procter. It is at last time to sit down and write Part II of the green Emerald series. This time I’ll go into detail of our solar panel setup and […]

Emerald Green Series Part 2

It’s just over a week since we arrived in Greece and we’ve been busy little bees. First was a trip on the bus (€1.60 each way, pay on board) from Nidri to Lefkas to pick up an internet SIM. We went for a Wind SIM which gave us 6GB for […]

Nidri and Vlicho

Sailing to Greece On Wednesday morning we were up at 5am to set off for Greece. The air smelt of sulphur (Etna was erupting) but there was not a breath of wind. We dawdled about for a while delaying our start, checking and checking again the wind forecasts. It looked […]

Sicily to Greece

The Making of a Syracuse Super Sarnie Last time we were in Syracuse we never got round to trying one of the mega sarnies from the Caseificio Borderi deli at the far end of the daily market. The time had come to make amends so we joined Tree from Tinkerbell amongst […]


We started the summer 2015 season with a reverse in direction of the last trip of last season. Like last year we were able to sail most of the way and the winds were stronger than forecast. The last day of boat prep was fairly manic not helped by things […]

Marina di Ragusa to Porto Palo

April arrived with improved weather; warmer days and less wind made progress on the job list easier. The canopy needed a good wash to get rid of the Sahara sand that occasionally blows across from Africa, then re-waterproofing and some sewing repairs made, mostly due to the thread starting to […]

April Antics

March arrived and it felt like time was suddenly racing on and we needed to crack on with some boat jobs. New covers for the cockpit seats, finishing the solar water heater (read about that here), lighting for the back deck and numerous other little jobs. Bar Stella Marina has been […]

March Merriment