Summer 2017

Off to Turkey It was a flat calm morning as we set off for Turkey and it stayed that way all the way across. We saw only one other ship leaving us wondering where everyone else was. As we approached Bozburun the silver domed roof of the mosque was unmistakable. […]

Merhaba from Turkey

Panormitis, Symi 8th May: After 6 days of easy life in Rhodes it was time to crack on. The two crows that had hidden a stash of bread in our mainsail cover were probably sad to see us go although looking at the way they were attacking the window covers […]

The Sounds of Symi

Rhodes Town We were very pleased to find out there were berths available in Rhodes Mandraki harbour with laid lines and all for the very reasonable price of €12 a night, including water and electric. We really hate Med mooring, on the handful of occasions we’ve done it, another boat […]

Rhodes – A Holiday From our Holiday

From Kasos we headed to the wild anchorages of Karpathos and Alimia. Tristomo, Karpathos With decent winds forecast to blow us across the Karpathos Channel on Sunday, we needed to first make the jump up to Tristomo. The sea had barely a ripple in the light westerly winds and it was an uneventful […]

The Wild Anchorages of Karpathos and Alimia

Elounda After a relaxing evening, our first night at anchor was rudely disturbed by the bilge pump at 5:30am. With memories of last summer’s leaking prop shaft still fresh in our mind, we broke the world record for fastest leap out of bed. First check – yep, there was water […]

Elounda to Kasos