Canary Islands towards Santa Maria Azores Day 1 2


VIA Telnet:


Day 1 of many Canary Islands to Santa Maria Azores
Total miles sailed: (Sat-Sun) 12 noon-12 noon 94.6 nm

Current position: Approx 100nm South west Madeira Island , heading 325deg, speed: 5.8knots. Sea state:1.5m but decreasing a tad (spoke too soon)

Passage notes:

Well day one, sheesh. We had a few things go awry, plus a lot of wind, acceleration zones and confused lumpy seas to deal with. Never straight forward.

This is by far our longest planned passage to date. Add in that its also to windward, made it even more stressful.

Both of the crew suffered a bout of seasickness, unusual as I never get seasick. Thankfully both feeling a bit better now and the boat is powering ahead, with 15-22 knots apparent wind. A reef in the main and 3 or four rolls in the Yankee, and a full staysail. Top speed so far 7.5 knots. However that’s a bit wild for the old girl to windward, and for the skipper, so we’ve slowed it down a bit.

However its a juggling act as we want to try and get ahead of some weather, around Madeira, Tuesday into Wednesday

Things that Broke:

Main halyard rope clutch. (swearing and lube resolved it, phew. Clean clutches is added to the work list)
Yankee furling line lead caused a problem. ( more swearing and all resolved, need a rethink and maybe a small block to improve the line lead to the drum) Seasickness breaking morale, however it has improved now with cake

Wildlife spotted:

a handful of shearwaters
One Dolphin
One flying Fish

A woman sat in the cockpit of a sail boat whilst sailing from Canary Islands to the Azores
A grimacing smile whilst battling seasickness

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