VIA Ham Radio:
Day One of Porto Santo to Canary Islands
Total miles sailed: (sun-mon) 10am-10am 125nm
Current position: Approx 50nm north west Ilsa Salvagems, heading 185deg, speed 5.1knots. Sea state grim, decreasing to wobbly.
Passage notes: First day was a tad sporting, I’ll be needing that campervan brochure… 3 to 4 metre seas, but unexpected F6 gusting 7 just south east of Ilas Desertas. A scrabble to get sail off, as always in the small hours. We saw 8.4 knots surfing down a particularly large wave. It gave the old girl Emerald a fit of the vapours and her skipper. 3 reefs in the main and a scrap of poled out genny and we were at a more manageable 6 knots on the downhill course.
Then of course the wind dropped off leaving sleep a distant memory as we wallowed around in the still large waves managing 3-4 knots, playing a game of chicken with a cruise ship. Dawn broke and we hoisted more sail and got underway more purposefully. Fresh coffee was issued to the crew, and a treat of fish finger sandwiches for lunch. Morale onboard restored. The seas are easing a little and we are managing to average around 5 knots in the flukey winds. A slower passage than we thought but at least we are moving.
For those aware of “Emerald engine-gate” over the last year and a half, you will be pleased to hear that after the rolling night the engine started right on the button. (phew, it appears our preventative measures work, but thought it best to check it. Also the shaft alignment seems spot on and no overheating problems either).
Right then time to download the weather and see what is in store for us over the next 36 or so hours.

Bon voyage, belatedly! Happy to see you on the move according to plan, if not with the conditions you’d hope for. Hope it improves.
sorry to hear that the seas weren’t the best and the winds had picked up so much, but glad to hear that crew and Emerald came out on top! Especially happy to hear that the engine started with no problems especially after your long engine saga – great news!